那時我正忙著學校評鑑,待我回過神來check 各個住宿點時,才發現閨蜜訂住宿,根本沒在考量交通、景點遠近跟評價,只要是價位高的、她就直接訂下去 ((完全是訂爽的)),還好大家自助成了精,都知道訂房要找可以免費取消的,不然我...
我找了假日,徹夜研究和彙整埃及行全程的住宿,發現 luxor 有間備受推薦的住宿 Bob Marley House Sherief Hotel Luxor ,原本也想預定,但是已經沒有內附浴室的雙人房,我從地緣條件去找其他住宿,發現了另一家Bob Marley Peace Hotel Luxor,看了交通、景點遠近跟評價都還不錯,於是就下了訂單,豈知在收到確認單後,又收到和平店發出的電郵...
Dear Guest,
Thank you for your booking. we would like to bring you to our hotel (free service from the bus or train!), The original Bob Marley hotel, in Mohamed Faird Street, very near to the trainstation
Please. we have moved from Badr Steet/ television street.(since 2008, the original BOB MARLEY Hotel &Boomerang ) located on the EAST bank (Mohamed Fared St.) The old hotel. is call SHERIF not BOB MARLEY, they have illegally reproduced our signs and name.they try to confuse our guests and bring them to their hostel in Badr Street there is no Bob Marley . There is Sherief Hotel in Badr Street . only 1 BobMarley hotel (ours in . Mohamed Faird Street. Be careful please minutes away (walking distance) from Luxor Temple and Karnak! We are also within walking distance from the train station,&bus station so we know you will be very happy with not only the accomodation, but the location as well! : We have found that they are continually charging guests double the price for accommodation and tours. We apologise for the lack of professionalism from Sherif hotel whom are posing as BobMarley House…
Dear Guest,
Thanks for choosing SHERIEF HOTEL (since 2008, the original BOB MARLEY HOUSE) BADR STREET (off Television Street) for your stay in Luxor. We'll meet on jen. 27th 2017
First a warning : in the train- or bus station or at the airport, some people might try to convince you that they are representing the Bob Marley House Badr Street (off Television Street), or that another hotel is part of the BobMarley Group.
Warning nr. 2 : recently, another hotel (former Boomerang & Peace) has all at once become "Bob Marley Peace Boomerang Hotels" : they try to confuse our guests and bring them to their hotel in Mohamed Farid Street. The one and only Bob Marley House Hostel SHERIEF HOTEL is, since 2008, in Badr Street, off TELEVISION STREET. Only the man with a sign with your name is from our hotel, Bob Marley House Hostel Sherief Hotel in Badr Street (off Television Street). Some people, wearing a Bob Marley t-shirt, will try to convince you that you booked in their hotel. Nobody of our staff wears a Bob-Marley t-shirt outside…
Furthermore, there is no Bob Marley House Group. There is only 1 Bob Marley House Hostel (ours in BADR STREET) (off TELEVISION STREET). Be careful please : against commission, people try to bring you to another hotel.. Our representatives know your name or will phone us immediately when you are telling them that you booked in our hotel. Our representative will carry a sign with your name and he is the only one to know the details of our booking : the website you booked on, type of room and the number of nights you are planning to stay : all this is mentioned on the back of the sign with your name…
唉~怎麼兩家都是這樣子(互發對方的黑函,對生意是有幫助 膩??),真是要崩潰了我!
後來我查了查背包、trip和LP的資料後,雪莉店是比較符合口碑的。這篇文可以佐證 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=1742185,希望屆時另一組旅伴、可以好好鑑定一番!